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Radiation Oncology, or radiation therapy, uses state-of-the-art technology and equipment to safely harness the power of radiation to treat cancer. A constantly changing field, radiation oncologists are physicians who specialize in this type of treatment. Together with other highly-trained dosimetrists and physicists, your care team will develop a treatment plan that will be most effective and safe for your individual type of cancer.

GammaTile Therapy

St. Luke’s is first in Pennsylvania to offer GammaTile Therapy, a surgically targeted radiation therapy for operable brain tumors. GammaTile is a biocompatible, permanent collagen tile implant that delivers radiation therapy to the area where the brain tumor was removed. After the neurosurgeon has safely removed as much of the tumor as possible, GammaTiles are placed in the operative bed, covering the tumor cavity. Once placed, the GammaTiles immediately begin delivering a uniform dose of radiation to the targeted area. GammaTile can eliminate the need for traditional repeat radiation treatments.


GammaTile Therapy

St. Luke’s is first in PA to offer GammaTile Therapy for Brain Tumors. Check it out.

What to expect during your visits

Step 1 – Consultation

Your first visit to radiation oncology is a consultation with your Radiation Oncologist and your care team. You will not receive a radiation treatment at this visit. Plan to be in the clinic for at least one hour or more. This is an important visit to learn about your medical history and treatment needs. For most patients the visit will include a physical examination, review of medical history, review of imaging, and review of current medication.

Informed Consent: If you choose to receive radiation therapy, your team will ask you to sign an informed consent form.

Step 2 – CT Simulation

CT simulation (or SIM) for radiation therapy follows your initial consultation in our Radiation Therapy Department. Treatment planning usually involves positioning your body, making marks on your skin and taking imaging scans. The CT images acquired during your scan will be used to plan your radiation treatment. The planning portion of your radiation therapy ensures that your treatments will target the area of disease. The SIM visit takes about one hour. Some patients will receive IV contrast.

  • Tattoos: Most patients will require very small tattoos (size of a of freckle) as a guide to help the radiation therapist line up the radiation treatment fields the same way each time you receive treatment.
  • Immobilization Treatment Devices: Immobilization devices will help establish and maintain the patient in a fixed, well defined position from treatment to treatment.

Step 3 – Technical Planning Process

After your SIM planning appointment a team consisting of Radiation Oncologists, radiation therapist, medical physicists and medical dosimetrists plan the appropriate radiotherapy for you. The team works closely with the radiation oncologist to develop the best treatment plan. This process can take up to week to complete.

  • Set-up/New Start also known as the “Dry Run”: Just prior to starting radiation therapy, you will participate in a dry run. During this session, all aspects of your prescribed treatment – positioning and dosages – will be checked for accuracy. The dry run usually takes place in the room where you will receive your actual treatment.

Step 4 – Daily Treatments

The number of treatments prescribed will vary depending on your specific cancer type and its location. Treatments are given Monday thru Friday for the number of visits determined during planning. Typically your treatment is scheduled for the same time each day. A licensed radiation therapist will administer your treatment.

  • On-Treatment Examination: Some patients will have repeat X-ray films daily or weekly to re-confirm proper positioning.
  • On-Treatment Visit: Your radiation oncologist and nurses will assess and examine you once a week. If needed, the radiation oncologist may adjust your treatment plan.
  • Follow-up Appointments: When your course of treatment is complete, your radiation oncologist will need to see you for follow-up visits.

Possible Side Effects

Skin reactions in the area being treated may include dryness, itching, blistering, or peeling. But these side effects often depend on which part of the body received radiation therapy.

Fatigue is feeling tired or exhausted almost all the time. Your level of fatigue depends on whether you are having other treatments, such as chemotherapy.

Additional Resources

Cancer Ribbon

Beat Cancer With Us…

At St. Luke’s, our cancer patients benefit from all of that, plus an unparalleled level of support and compassion. You are not alone – we are with you every step of the way. Whether you are newly diagnosed or looking for a second opinion, we are here to help. Call St. Luke’s HopeLine – one number for all your needs: 484-503-HOPE.