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Cancer & Fertility


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Cancer treatment may make it difficult to conceive a pregnancy later. However, preserving your fertility after a cancer diagnosis is possible if you have not yet started treatment.


If your future plans include starting a family, speak with your oncologist about how treatment could affect reproductive health and fertility before starting any cancer therapy. St. Luke’s Cancer Center has partnered Sincera Reproductive Medicine and our reproductive endocrinologists to offer patients options to help protect their future ability to conceive a pregnancy.


Best friends since high school, Laury goes to her fertility specialist friend, Tara, for help having a baby and winds up with an unexpected diagnosis.

Options for women include:

  • Embryo freezing – freezing a fertilized egg for use at a later date
  • Egg freezing – freezing eggs to be used at a later date
  • Ovarian shielding – shielding the ovaries during radiation treatment to avoid exposure to ovaries
  • Ovarian transposition – moving the ovaries out of the radiation field during radiation
  • Fertility-sparing surgery – leaving one or more ovaries in place; should not be done without appropriate consultation with oncology

Options for men include:

  • Sperm banking – freezing sperm to be used at a later date
  • Radiation shielding – shielding the gonads at the time of radiation treatment

Can I afford this?

Sincera Reproductive Medicine provides subsidized rates for cancer patients and works closely with the Fertility Hope Foundation / Sharing Hope Financial Assistance Program.

Cancer Ribbon

Beat Cancer With Us…

At St. Luke’s, our cancer patients benefit from all of that, plus an unparalleled level of support and compassion. You are not alone – we are with you every step of the way. Whether you are newly diagnosed or looking for a second opinion, we are here to help. Call St. Luke’s HopeLine – one number for all your needs: 484-503-HOPE.