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Healing Arts


or call us at 484-503-HOPE (4673)

Young girl painting

Integrating creative therapy in cancer care.

Art serves as a connection between the mind, the emotions, and the body, and by integrating art into your care, we hope to improve your ability to heal on every level. Our Artist-in-Residence works with our oncology patients in one-on-one sessions, providing a nurturing and inspirational creative experience.

Whether creating a simple drawing or collage, looking at art or talking about it, the arts can help you:

  • Express thoughts and emotions that can be hard to put into words
  • Lower stress and anxiety
  • Relax and feel calmer and happier
  • Find meaning in life experiences
  • Connect with your deeper self, no matter what you are going through
  • Form new connections with others
  • Create something unique that gives you a sense of pleasure and accomplishment

Studies show that art activities aid in physical, mental and emotional recovery on many levels, particularly by relieving anxiety and decreasing pain. By reducing stress and loneliness and providing opportunities for self-expression, the healing arts can be a healing tool to improve a hospital environment. At a time when you may be fearful and uncertain about your health or undergoing medical interventions, the gentle, personal attention given by practitioners of the healing arts can be especially beneficial.

Individuals receiving these services often report higher satisfaction with their overall medical care, emphasizing the expansion of treatment options, caring interactions with providers, increased self-care skills, and an enhanced sense of empowerment. Studies also indicate that healing arts and integrative therapies can fill gaps in treatment effectiveness, particularly for individuals with complex, chronic health conditions and those seeking health promotion and disease prevention.

St. Luke’s Healing Arts program is funded through charitable donations.

Cancer patient in good spirts
Cancer Ribbon

Beat Cancer With Us…

At St. Luke’s, our cancer patients benefit from all of that, plus an unparalleled level of support and compassion. You are not alone – we are with you every step of the way. Whether you are newly diagnosed or looking for a second opinion, we are here to help. Call St. Luke’s HopeLine – one number for all your needs: 484-503-HOPE.