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Cancer Types & Treatments


or call us at 484-503-HOPE (4673)

Elderly couple at the beach

Cancers are a complex, unique group of diseases that require state-of-the-art care.

Getting the best cancer care can make all the difference. It’s why St. Luke’s continually invests in the best medical technologies available today, and is often first in the region and even the state, to offer leading cancer treatments for all types of cancer. St. Luke’s patients have access to a team of cancer experts who work together to diagnose cancer and provide the most appropriate treatment options.

More people are successfully being treated for cancer now than at any other time in history, thanks to earlier cancer detection and breakthroughs in cancer treatments and leading cancer technologies. St. Luke’s patients have access to a team of cancer experts who work together to diagnose cancers and provide the most appropriate and effective cancer treatments available today, including Intraoperative Radiation Therapy (IORT) for early stage breast cancers and Frameless Stereotactic Radiosurgery that precisely targets brain tumors.

After your initial visit with your doctor, you may need additional testing to verify the exact type and stage of your cancer. This could include:

  • Lab work, such as a urine sample or blood draw
  • Biopsy: a tissue sample of the affected area
  • Imaging, such as a PET scan or X-ray

These tests should be completed in a timely manner and may need to be repeated throughout your journey, since cancer is a constantly evolving condition. Your nurse navigator and our Hope Line 484-503-HOPE staff can assist you in scheduling any necessary appointments.

Cancers we treat


Let's Talk Treatment

For our newly diagnosed patients, St. Luke’s educators Kelly and Denise have put together a comprehensive video series called “Let’s Talk About Treatment.” In the three videos below, they cover a range of topics related to chemotherapy and radiation therapy, including: what to expect the day of your visit; side effects and how to manage them; when to call your doctor; and more. We hope these videos are a helpful resource to all of our new cancer patients and their loved ones.

Part 1
Part 2
Part 3

Patients at infusion center