Scholarly Activities & Research
Scholarly activity is an important focus of our dermatology training program. Consequently, specific time is allotted into each resident’s schedule (varying by specific rotation and training year) to afford the opportunity to contribute to our culture of lifelong learning and intellectual curiosity.
Regular opportunities are provided our residents to participate in:
- Research
- Organized clinical discussions
- Rounds
- Journal clubs
- Conferences
In addition, we strive to demonstrate scholarship through the following outlets:
- Peer‐reviewed funding
- Publication of original research or review articles in peer reviewed journals or chapters in textbooks
- Publication or presentation of case reports or clinical series at local, regional, or national professional and scientific society meetings, and
- Participation in national committees or educational organizations
To ensure the time is well-spent and academically productive, the following expectations are maintained:
Each resident is provided protected time and up to $2,000 funding to attend at least one national meeting during the training program. Each resident is also encouraged to attend at least two local/regional meetings, with additional funding of up to $2,000 provided on an individually-granted basis.
Each resident is required to submit at least one case for presentation at a national meeting. Typically, this is accomplished by submitting a “case report” to the annual meeting of an approved national association such as the American Academy of Dermatology, Society for Pediatric Dermatology, American Society for Dermatologic Surgery, Mohs College, Society for Laser Medicine and Surgery, the American Society of Dermatopathology, or other national dermatological organization as approved by the Program Director.
Each resident annually prepares and submits at least one manuscript for consideration for publication to a peer-reviewed journal that has been approved by the Program Director. This manuscript is prepared under the supervision of a core faculty member who serves, if appropriate, as a co-author. Publications may be as simple as a “case report” or more detailed depending on the interests and abilities of the participating authors.
Each resident completes at least one longitudinal research, patient safety, or quality improvement initiative if the opportunity exists. Research time is allocated in each resident clinic schedules for this purpose; additional time may be given to deserving residents to work on particularly compelling projects.
The overall goals of the Lecture Requirement are three-fold:
- To help residents develop expertise in focused areas of dermatology
- To work closely with their Faculty Mentor (and other mentors) to choose the topic for the lecture and to prepare and execute a talk appropriate for an audience of general dermatologists, and
- To gain confidence in speaking and answering questions in the setting of an audience of colleagues and peers.
All PGY2 residents present two lectures approximately 45-minutes each in duration; one lecture emphasizes basic science and the other emphasizes a specific clinical topic. All PGY3 residents present one lecture approximately 45-minutes in duration, usually on a clinical topic of their choosing. All PGY4 residents present a “capstone” summary of the most interesting cases they have encountered during residency. All topics are pre-approved by the Program Director, and these lectures are typically presented at Dermatology Grand Rounds.