Graduate Medical Education

Network Simulation Center

Our state-of-the-art simulation labs will be incorporated into the curriculum to develop and enhance your noninterpretative and procedural skills training.

Simulation Education at St. Luke’s

St. Luke’s state-of-the-art Network Simulation Center provides residents and fellows with outstanding opportunities to develop their clinical and procedural skills. Our center includes both robotic simulators and standardized patients as well as a variety of procedural skills training equipment.

High fidelity, programmable robotic simulators imitate physiologic and clinical scenarios that clinicians may encounter. Small groups of clinicians work together to assess the “patient’s” problem and to develop and implement a management plan. A faculty member observes the group, then debriefs the team about the encounter to develop their skills for future encounters with patients.

Life-like task trainers (arms, head/neck, torsos, and other portions of the body) allow clinicians to build their skills in performing a range of procedures.