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Clinical Simulation Centers
Clinical Simulation Centers
State-of-the-art clinical simulation centers, located at both the Philadelphia North Broad Street and the Bethlehem St. Luke's campuses, provide students with outstanding opportunities to develop their clinical and procedural skills. These centers include both robotic simulators and standardized patients as well as a variety of procedural skills training equipment.
High fidelity, programmable robotic simulators imitate physiologic and clinical scenarios that clinicians may encounter. Small groups of students work together to assess the “patient's” problem and to develop and implement a management plan. A faculty member observes the group, then debriefs the students about the encounter to develop their skills for future encounters with patients.
Students develop their history-taking and physical examination skills and professional behaviors through sessions with standardized patients and patient instructors. The opportunity to work first with standardized patients (who simulate real medical cases) helps to build students' confidence towards the time when they will encounter real patients.
Life-like task trainers (arms, head/neck, torsos, and other portions of the body) allow students to build their skills in performing a range of procedures such as phlebotomy, airway management, suturing, and urinary catheterization.
Students interested in surgery may begin to develop basic surgical skills during their preclinical years by participating in surgical interest groups and electives.