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Academic Resources
Academic Resources
Both the St. Luke's and North Broad Street campuses provide outstanding resources to support teaching and learning.
From electronic postings of syllabi, lecture handouts, and presentations to class capture of all first- and second-year class lectures, both campuses utilize technology to help ensure that students can focus on learning and understanding, rather than note-taking. Both campuses have wireless access throughout the buildings.
Temple/St. Luke's students benefit from being at an institution with the most advanced imaging services in the area. St. Luke's University Health Network, one of only a few health care networks in the country that partner with GE Medical Systems, has all-digital imaging services. St. Luke's University Health Network is thus an international show site, drawing physicians from around the world to observe procedures being performed using this advanced equipment.
St. Luke's has state-of-the-art da Vinci robotic surgical technology which offers minimally invasive treatment of serious conditions, including prostate cancer, pelvic prolapse in women and GI neoplasms.
Both the W.L. Estes Jr. Memorial Library at the St. Luke's Bethlehem campus and the Ginsburg Health Sciences Library at the North Broad Street campus provide outstanding support for teaching, learning and research. Resources include large collections of books and journals, access to online databases and interlibrary loans and computer facilities.