Educational Resources and Scholarly Activity
Family Medicine Residency Educational Resources
The core of the learning experience in the residency program is to combine supervised “hands-on” patient care experience with structured didactic educational sessions and department meetings. Our educational resources include:
- Protected time every Tuesday morning for Academic Day
- Didactic lectures from faculty and sub-specialists covering the breadth and depth of Family Medicine
- Monthly simulation sessions
- Integrated Behavioral Medicine Conferences
- Hands-on procedure workshops
- Board review sessions
- Journal Club
- Monthly Medical Education Grand Rounds
- Practice Management education series
- Access to on-site Basic Life Support, Advanced Cardiac Life Support, Pediatric Advanced Life Support, and Advanced Life Support in Obstetrics
- Online resources and access to the network medical library
- Network Research Institute
Scholarly Activity
A lifelong love of learning is crucial to your success as a family physician. At St. Luke’s/Sacred Heart Campus, you will have multiple opportunities to participate in scholarly activity. Some of our recent scholarship is listed below!
- Niyibizi A, Haveric A, Irio G. Telehealth in opioid use disorder treatment: policy considerations for expanding access to care. J Osteopath Med. 2023. PMID: 37976470.
- Goodbred AJ, Langan RC. Chronic kidney disease: prevention, diagnosis and treatment. Am Fam Physician. 2023;108(6):554-561.
- Bermudez F. High School football player walks off field with antalgic gait after being tackled? Poster. PAFP Resident Research Day. Hershey, PA. 4/6/2024.
- Kab-Perlman R, Markosian K. The mysterious bleeding blue bleb. Poster. PAFP Resident Research Day. Hershey, PA. 4/6/2024.
- Lima E. Unmasking the silent invader: A case of neurocysticercosis. Poster. PAFP Resident Research Day. Hershey, PA. 4/6/2024.
- Langan R, Schoen E. American Academy of Family Physicians Curriculum Guidelines: Men’s Health. April 2024.
- McDonald M, Oyedele K. A student-led effort to address healthcare inequity: The SLICC (Student-Led Interprofessional Care Center) Initiative. Presentation. Surgical Education Week. Orlando, Florida. April 2024.
- Tabchi R, Ajibola O. FQHC-LA Screening patients for SDoH through an external community organization database: Focusing on Communities Needs and Insecurities AIAMC National Initiative Conference Poster Presentation. April 2024.
- Langan RC. The persistent challenge of diagnosing and treating vitamin B12 deficiency. BMJ. 2024 Jun 13;385:q1262.
- Langan RC. Adult Eye Conditions: Ophthalmic Emergencies. FP Essent. 2022 Aug;519:29-32.
- Langan RC, Puente ME. Scrotal masses. Am Fam Physician. 2022;106(2):184-189.
- Hines-Smith K, Carneiro R, Lam NCV, Goodbred A. Mirror, Mirror, On the Wall, Who is the Most Burned Out Among Us All? Presentation, FMEC, Arlington, VA. September 2022.
- Niyibizi A, Cisse M, Rovito P, Puente M. Angiotensin-converting enzyme (ACE) inhibitor- induced angioedema of the small bowel: a diagnostic dilemma. J Am Board Fam Med. 2023.
- Langan RC, Goodbred AJ. Pulmonary nodules: common questions and answers. Am Fam Physician. 2023;107(3):282-291.
- Wannah S, Sawares D. Breathtaking Mental Health and Substance Abuse. Poster. PAFP Resident Research Day. Tannersville, PA. April 2023.
- Rivera C, Sawares D. Cryptococcal Meningitis in an Immunocompetent Host. Poster. PAFP Resident Research Day. Tannersville, PA. April 2023.
- Gilbey D, Gnananehru J, Sawares D. Type 2 Diabetes – How Clinical Pharmacist’s In Primary Care Benefit Those Most In Need. Oral Presentation. PAFP Resident Research Day. Tannersville, PA. April 2023.
- Raineri G, Sawares D. Missed The Target. Oral Presentation. PAFP Resident Research Day. Tannersville, PA. April 2023.
- Tabchi R, Puente M, Hines-Smith K, Michalisin J, Noghrehkar N, Reed R, Ramson K, Graham J, Denizard E. Diabetes CARES project. AIAMC Annual Meeting and National Initiative VIII. March 2023.
- Niyibizi A, Tabchi R. Social Determinants of Health: Addressing Health Disparities and Why It Matters. POMA Annual Clinical Assembly and Scientific Seminar. Pocono Manor, PA. May 2023.