Scholarly Activity
The faculty of St. Luke’s Family Medicine Residency takes their role as educators very seriously. In addition to the education occurring within the residency, they are active in educating family physicians throughout the United States in person and in peer-reviewed journals. Publications with resident co-authors are in bold type.
- Lam NC, Abu-Brown J, Sharma R. Systemic Lupus Erythematosus: Diagnosis and Treatment. Am Fam Phys. 2023;107(4): 383-395.
- Lam NC, Tran JT. Unilateral bloody nipple discharge in an older man. Photo quiz. Am Fam Phys. 2023;107(5):541-542.
- Humphrey C, Julian D. Chronic, non-healing wound. Photo quiz. Am Fam Physician. 2022;106(3):331-332.
- Lam NC. Adult Eye Conditions: Diabetic Retinopathy and Age-related Macular Degeneration. FP Essnt. 2022: 519:24-28.
- Sharma R, Patel J. Pinpoint Foot Pain at the Base of the Phalanx. Am Fam Physician. 2022;105(6):673-674.
- Lam NCV, Campbell P. A concerning uvula abnormality. Consultant. Published online January 13, 2022. doi:10.25270/con.2022.01.00001
- Humphrey C, Shetayh B. Growing Mass in an Adolescent. Photo Quiz. Am Fam Physician. 2021 Oct ;104(4):413-414.
- Ghetu MV. Autoimmune Condition: Polymyalgia Rheumatica and Dermatomyositis. FP Essent. 2020 Jul;494:25-29.
- Humphrey C, Abu-Brown J. What is this patient’s painful rash? Consultant. Published online June 10, 2020. doi:10.25270/con.2020.06.00012.
- Humphrey C, Montoya E, Dorcus M. Puritic rash on the hand of a home gardener. Am Fam Physician. 2020 Oct 15;102(8):497-498. PMID: 33064431.
- Humphrey C, Germinal G. A 13-year-old girl with bilateral axillary rash. Consultant. Published online September 9, 2020. Doi: 10.25270/con2020.09.00007.
- Lam NC. Autoimmune Condition: Systemic Lupus Erythematosus. FP Essent. 2020 Jul;494:18-24. PMID: 32640150.
- Metzgar, MM. Autoimmune Condition: Ankylosing Spondylitis. FP Essent. 2020 Jul;494:30-35.
- Bower S, Franco E. Chronic Wounds: Evaluation and Management. Am Fam Phys. 2020;101(3):159-166.
- Kaur S, Ghetu M Geriatric Assessment in Primary Care In article: Stoltzfus JC. The 2019 St. Luke's university health network annual research symposium: Event highlights and scientific abstracts. Int J Acad Med 2019;5:135-4.
- Goodbred A, Kaur S. A woman with a warty wrist [published online December 2, 2019]. Consultant360
- Lam NC, Te T, Te T. Child with swollen eyes. Photo Quiz. Am Fam Physician. 2019;100(5):313-314.
- Lam NC, Te T. A bump on the gum. Photo Quiz. Am Fam Physician. 2019;99(11):713-714
- Lam N-CV, Sharma R. What is this woman’s genital lesion? [published online October 28, 2019]. Consultant360.
- Lam NC, Black EG (2019). Implementing Wellness Curriculum in Residency, Contemporary topics in Graduate Medical Education. Eds. Dr. Stanislaw P. Stawicki, Dr. Michael S. Firstenberg, Dr. James P. Orlando, Dr. Thomas J. Papadimos (Ed.). 2019. Publisher: IntechOpen, in press, DOI: intechopen.79594.
- Metzgar MM, Zhang K. Nail Changes Following a Viral Infection. Am Fam Physician. 2019;100(8):497-498.
- Rhoads A, Metzgar MM, Donovan P. The efficacy of Osteopathic Manipulative Treatment on Decreasing severity of Migraine Headaches. The Journal of the American Osteopathic Association. November 2019. Volume 119. Number j12. E93-e95
- Singh H, Kaur S, Shah A. Antidepressant induced Bruxism: a literature review. J Psychiatric Intensive care. Jan 2019.
- Humphrey C. Faculty Development: The Resident in Difficulty. STFM Education Columns. 2018; September.
- Lam NC, Perez E. Abrupt onset of a tender rash on upper and lower extremities. Photo Quiz. Am Fam Physician 2018;97(2):131-134.
- Lam NC, Matalia NB. A truck driver with a skin lesion on his upper arm. Consultant 2016;56(12):1093 and 2017;57(1):48
- Lam NC, Ghetu MV, Bieniek ML. Systemic Lupus Erythematosus: Primary care approach to Diagnosis and Management. Am Fam Physician 2016;94(4):284-294.
- Lam NC. Joint Pain and Fatigue: It could be anything. Close-Ups-A Patient’s Perspective. Am Fam Physician 2016;94(4):304.
- Lam NC, Castellanos A, Thompson K. A Vietnamese child with a rash on the back. Am Fam Physician 2016;93(2).
- Langan RC, Zawistoski KJ. Update on vitamin B12 deficiency. Am Fam Physician 2011;83(12):1425-30.
- Skillinge DD, Langan RC, Krafczyk MA, McGarey ME. Benign prostatic hypertrophy: a clinical review. Osteopathic Family Physician 2011;3:182-6.
- Bordelon PC, Li J. Hydroxycitric acid dietary supplement-related herbal nephropathy. Am J Med 2011;124(11):5-6.
- Ghetu MV, Bordelon PC, Langan RC. Mild Cognitive Impairment. Clinical Geriatrics 2010; 8(4): 30-6.
- Beck LN, Langan RC. Postinfectious glomerulonephritis: a case summary. Osteopathic Family Physician 2010;2:18-20.
- Lam NC, Gotsch PB, Langan RC. Caring for pregnant women and newborns with hepatitis B or C. Am Fam Physician 2010;82(10):1225-9.
- Langan RC, Moher HE. Infant with a morbilliform rash. Am Fam Physician 2010; 81(3):327-8.
- Bordelon PC, Ghetu MV, Langan RC. Recognition and Management of Vitamin D Deficiency. Am Fam Physician 2009;80(8):841-6.
- Lam NC, Bordelon PC. “Well Adult Exam.” In: Ebell MH, Ferenchick G, Smith M, Barry H, Slawson D, Shaughnessy A, Forsch R, Li S, Wilkes M, Usatine R, eds. E-Essential Evidence, 1st ed. Hoboken, NJ: Wiley and Sons, 2009.
- Langan RC, Bordelon PC, Ghetu MV. Eye on the elderly. Hypertension care: striking the right balance. Journal of Family Practice 2009;58(9):460-8.
Regional and National Presentations
Nguyet Cam-Lam, MD, FAAFP
- Lam NC, Carneiro R. The impact of gun violence on individuals, family, and community. FMEC September 2022. Arlington, VA.
- Canlas J, Lam NC. Ascending paresthesia following recent COVID-19 Viral illness: Guillain-Barre Syndrome vs Lambert-Eaton Syndrome: A Case Report. Poster presentation. Pennsylvania Academy of Family Physician Research Day. Lancaster. April 2, 2022. Won best poster case presentation.
- Lam NC, Metzgar MM, Humphrey C, Abu-Brown J, Shetayh B. Residency Response to The COVID-19 Pandemic to Optimize Patient Care and Resident Education. Oral presentation, FMEC, October 2021, Pittsburg PA.
- Grooming your own faculty. Round Table discussion. Family Medicine Educational Consortium Annual Virtual conference. Oct 3, 2020.
- Do and Don’t of residency interview. Round Table discussion. Family Medicine Educational Consortium Annual Virtual conference. Oct 1, 2020.
- All for our residents’ well-being. Oral presentation. PAFP Research Day March 2021. Won Best Faculty Presentation Award.
- Quality Improvement of Asthma Symptom Control Documentation (with Dr. Margaret Mintus-resident). 2018 PAFP Research Day. Philadelphia, PA. Won Best Resident Research Award.
- Enhancing Enthusiasm for Family Medicine Through FMIG Programming Modification (With Chelsea Evans and Alexandra St. Lukeʼs medical students). 2018 PAFP Research Day. Philadelphia, PA.
- Inspiring and Coaching Residents in doing Quality Improvement to Enhance Patient Care using a Physician Mentored Model (with J.P. Orlando, Ed. D). 2017 Pennsylvania Academy of Family Physicians Research Day. Harrisburg, PA. Winner Best Faculty Research Award.
- Quality Initiatives to Improve Advance Health Care Directives in Geriatric Patients (with Dr. Chibuzo Emenari and Dr. Stephanie Zankman (residents). 2017 Pennsylvania Academy of Family Physicians Research Day. Harrisburg, PA. Winner Best Quality Improvement Poster Award.
- Initiatives to Improve Resident Physician Wellness to Combat Burnout (with Dr. Brianne Allerton and Dr. Adam Kobialka (residents). 2017 Pennsylvania Academy of Family Physicians Research Day. Harrisburg, PA.
- Initiatives to Improve Resident Physician Well-Being during the Transition to Residency (with J.P. Orlando, Ed. D). NRMP Conference. New Orleans. May 2017.
- Empowering patients to take ownership of their diabetes care: A quality improvement project (with Dr. Margaret Yoder (PGY-2)). 2016 Pennsylvania Academy of Family Physicians Research Day. Pittsburgh, PA. Winner Best Resident Research & Mark A. Connelly Award for Best Overall Research.
- Menopause and Gynecological Care. Pennsylvania Academy of Family Physicians Clinical Education Series, Allentown, PA, November 2015.
- Health Maintenance for Women. Pennsylvania Academy of Family Physicians Clinical Education Series, Chesapeake, MD, July 2015.
- FMfocus: A Multi-Site Validation Study of Prenatal Ultrasound Training for Family Medicine Residents. STFM Spring Conference, May 2014.
- Abnormal Uterine Bleeding: New Nomenclature and Age-Based Approach to Treatment. Pennsylvania Academy of Family Physicians Clinical Education Series, Hershey, PA, March 2014.
- Impact of teaching medical students in residency training. Poster. Pennsylvania Academy of Family Physicians Research Day, Hershey, PA, March 2014.
- Update on Cervical Cancer Screening and Treatment. Pennsylvania Academy of Family Physicians Clinical Education Series, Hershey, PA, May 2009.
- Abnormal Uterine Bleeding. PCOM Family Medicine Board Review Course, Philadelphia, PA, January 2011.
- Prenatal Care. PCOM Family Medicine Board Review Course, Philadelphia, PA, January 2010.
Martha M. Metzgar, DO, FAAFP
- Metzgar MM. Integration of Osteopathic principles and practice in Family Medicine Didactic Education. Oral presentation. FMEC September 2022. Arlington, VA.
- Metzgar MM. Integrating Osteopathic Principles and Practice into a Family Medicine Curriculum. American Academy Family Physicians, Residency Leadership Summit. March 2023. Kansas city, MO.
- Metzgar M. Osteopathic teaching Oral presentation. ACOFP conference. Feb 12, 2022
- A Collaborative Approach to Teaching Osteopathic Principles and Practice (with Drs. Ruggeri, Costello, Wilkins). Poster presentation at AACOM (national conference), April 2019.
- Rhoads, Metzgar, Donovan. "The Efficacy of Osteopathic Manipulative Treatment on Decreasing the Severity of Migraine Headaches.” Poster presentation. OMED October 2019
- Women’s health. ACOFP National Board Review. 2019
- Common Surgical Concerns. ACOFP National Board Review. 2019
- Osteopathic Manipulative Treatment Table Trainer. ACOFP Board Review. 2019
- Surgical Concerns – PCOM Family Medicine Board Review Course, 2020
- Women’s Health. PCOM Family Medicine Board Review Course, Philadelphia, PA, January 2013, 2014, 2015
Maria V. Ghetu, MD, FAAFP
- Reducing 30 days readmissions of patients with Heart failure, residing in Long Term Care settings. National conference, poster presentation: 2018 American Geriatrics Society, annual scientific meeting. May 3, 2018.
- Mild Cognitive Impairment, Pennsylvania Academy of Family Physicians Clinical Education Series, Valley Forge, PA, March 2015.
- Precepting International Medical Graduates (with Dr. Nguyet-Cam Vu Lam and Dr. Hemlata Singh (resident)). Poster. Pennsylvania Academy of Family Physicians Research Day, Valley Forge, PA, March 2015.
- Screening for Mild Cognitive Impairment in Primary Care. Poster. American Geriatric Society Annual Scientific Meeting, Washington, DC, May 2011.
- Weight Loss in the Geriatric Population. Pennsylvania Academy of Family Physicians Clinical Education Series, Philadelphia, PA, October 2008.
Courtney Humphrey, MD
- Humphrey C, Zhang D. Evaluation of student understanding of polypharmacy. Society Teacher in Family Medicine Conference. January 2023, New Orleans, LA.
- Choma M, Humphrey C, Careiro R. Tune Up Tuesday: A Community Outreach and Education Program. PAFP Research day April 2023. Camelback, PA.
- Humphrey C, Lam NC. A longitudinal practice management curriculum for resident. AAFP Residency Leadership Summit. March 2023. Kansas City, MO.
- Polsky A, Humphrey C. Medicare Annual wellness QI project. Poster presentation. PAFP Research Day March 2021.
- A S.T.A.R Team Approach to Functional Neurological Disorder” as an oral presentation at PAFP Research Day, Saturday, March 7, 2020, at the Hotel Hershey.
- Humphrey and Zhang: Hypertension QI-Poster presentation, PAFP research day. March 2020, Hershey.
- Controlled Substance Management in the Primary Care Setting (with Elspeth Black, MD, Elsa Montoya, MD-residents, Nora Ko-Temple/St. Lukeʼs student, Thomas Nappe, MD). Poster presentation. 2019 PAFP Research day, Valley Forge, PA.
- Appropriateness of Statin Therapy for Atherosclerotic Cardiovascular Risk in Patients with Diabetes (with Gardia Germinal, MD-Resident and Livia McCutcheon, Pharm D). Poster Presentation. 2019 PAFP Research day, Valley Forge, PA.
- Using smart-phrases to improve diabetes care (with Gardia Germinal, MD). Oral Presentation. 2019 PAFP Research day, Valley Forge, PA.
Renata Careiro, PhD
- Defenbaugh, N., Dickey, L., Carneiro, R., Brendas, E., and Pipestone, M.WRR Narrative Method for Teaching Listening, Reflection, Empathy and Interdisciplinary Communication, Oral Presentation, September 2022e, ICCH conference in Scotland.
- Carneiro R, Lam NC, Goodbred A, Hines-Smith K. Mirror Mirror on the Wall, Who is the most burnout among us all. FMEC September 2022. Arlington, VA.
- Carneiro R. Lam NC. The legacy of family medicine. Breakfast table discussion. FMEC September 2022. Arlington, VA.
- Carneiro R. Mosquera D. Flight, Fly, Freeze, or Jump into Action. Communication is the Key. FMEC September 2022. Arlington, VA.
- Carneiro R, Patel J, Moors V. Responding to Patient Disclose of Sexual Harassment. Poster presentation. FMEC September 2022. Arlington, VA.
- Carneiro R, Lam NC. Opening Pandora’s Box: Integrating Family Medicine in the Curriculum, Oral Presentation, March 2023, American Academy Family Physicians, Residency Leadership Summit, Kansas, MO.
- Carneiro R, Abu-Brown J, Sharma R. Dismissed: how to promote health equity and reestablish trust in the medical community. PAFP Research day April 2023. Camelback, PA.
- Liyanage M, Doniparthi N, Carneiro R, Lapko N. The Right Fit: Managing Eating Disorders in Primary Care. Poster. PAFP Research day April 2023. Camelback, PA.
- Saltzman S, Carneiro R. Does the path to become a family physician lead to burnout? PAFP Research day April 2023. Camelback, PA.
- Carneiro R., Tabchi, R. Who Cares? Covid, PTSD and Us, Oral Presentation, Pennsylvania Osteopathic Medical Association Conference, Poconos, PA. May 2023.
- Carneiro R, Malik M. R.I.S.E Against Domestic Violence, Poster Presentation, FMEC, October 2021,Pittsburg PA.
- Agrawal S. , Bhalodi R., Cisse M, Carneiro . Trauma Queens, Poster Presentation, FMEC, October 2021, Pittsburg, PA.
- Serwatka L, Carneiro R. Ready or Not, Here They Come: the Rise of Family Violence During the COVID 19 Pandemic, Poster Presentation, FMEC, Pittsburg, PA.
- Carneiro R, Puente M. Love Thy Self, Oral Presentation, FMEC, October 2021, Pittsburg, PA.
- Carneiro R, Tabchi, R. Use of Mental Health Taskforce to Enhance Outpatient Crisis Management, Oral Presentation, FMEC, October 2021, Pittsburg, PA.
- Defenbaugh, N., Carneiro, R., Felix, M. Johnson, M., Fanning, P. and Dickey, L. (2021). The Use of Narrative Exchange Sessions (NES) to Learn Interpersonal and Interdisciplinary Communication Skills and Address Healthcare Burnout, Oral Presentation, ICCH, Virtual Conference.
- Carneiro R. Trauma in Children / Adverse Childhood Events. Mid-Atlantic Partnership Regional Conference. Jan 13, 2022.
- Bendas E., Carneiro R., Defenbaugh N. Pipestone M, Dickey L. The Story Collectors: Narrative as a Vehicle for Interprofessional Growth, Oral Presentation, Annual Assembly of Hospice and Palliative Care, Nashville, TN. Feb 11, 2022.
- Carneiro R, Metzgar M, Luu L, Lam NC. Silent Killers: The Impact of medical trauma on health. Oral Presentation. Pennsylvania Academy of Family Physician Research Day. Lancaster. April 2, 2022.
- Bhalodi R, Carneiro R. Primary Care T.L.C. Oral presentation. Pennsylvania Academy of Family Physician Research Day. Lancaster. April 2, 2022.
- Amireri S. Carneiro R. When Mental Health and Primary Care Collide. Poster presentation. Pennsylvania Academy of Family Physician Research Day. Lancaster. April 2, 2022.
- Bhalodi R, Carneiro R. The Alphabet Soup of Psychological Trauma. Poster presentation. Pennsylvania Academy of Family Physician Research Day. Lancaster. April 2, 2022.
- Defenbaugh, N., Dickey, L., Carneiro, R., Brendas, E., and Pipestone, M. (2022) WRR Narrative Method for Teaching Listening, Reflection, Empathy and Interdisciplinary Communication, oral presentation at ICCH conference in Scotland. April 2022.
- Carneiro, R. (2022). Show me the Data: associations between burnout and wellness elements in the curriculum. Poster presentation STFM, Indiana, IN.
Natalia Lapko, MD
- Derricotte W, Lapko N, Carneiro R. Integrative Family Medicine Approach to Screening and Interventions for Key Social Determinants of Health. PAFP Research day April 2023. Camelback, PA.
- Joshua J, Tran J, Lapko N, Lam NC. Team integrated approach to depression screening and improving strategies for patient follow-up in outpatient setting. Poster presentation. Pennsylvania Academy of Family Physician Research Day. Lancaster. April 2, 2022.
- Patel J, Zhang D. A Case of ESRD Adult with Potential Pleuroperitoneal Leak. Oral presentation; Resident Category. PAFP Research Day March 2021.
- A RARE CASE OF HYALINIZING TRABECULAR ADENOMA Jana Havranova MD, Patricia Donovan DO, Marie Krielle Pantino MD, Kimberly Williams DO, Mohammad Ishaq Arastu MD. Poster presentation, AACE Feb 2020.
- McCutcheon L, Lam NC, Rothermel E, Humphrey C, Walty A. Impact of Clinical Pharmacist Integration Within The Interprofessional Primary Care Team On Polypharmacy Livia McCutcheon PharmD; M.A. Oral presentation, FMEC, October 2021, Pittsburg PA.
- Levine S, McCutcheon L, Humphrey C. Impact of interprofessional team interventions on diabetes outcome. Poster presentation. Pennsylvania Academy of Family Physician Research Day. Lancaster. April 2, 2022. Won best student oral presentation and best overall presentation awards.