Goals & Objectives
St. Luke’s EMS fellowship is a one-year, ACGME accredited clinical fellowship and follows ABEM board certification requirements. Specialty expertise is provided in a welcoming and structured educational environment that produces competent practitioners in the field of Emergency Medical Services. Fellowship program goals and objectives align with ACGME core competencies and center on:
- Patient care
- Medical knowledge
- Practice-based learning and improvement
- Communication skills
- Professionalism
- System-based practice
Our goal is to train our EMS physicians through a variety of styles including didactics, direct patient care, simulation, and hands-on experience within a variety of settings. There will be ample opportunity to teach our prehospital EMS providers and supervise both as a Medical Command Physician and in a Medical Director capacity. Our fellows will be well trained to enter a variety of career settings including medical director positions or local, state, or regional EMS and disaster response areas. By the end of the year the fellow will be well prepared to pass the EMS board examination, and will be equipped to provide and manage safe, effective, and compassionate care to the Lehigh Valley and beyond.