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Visiting Students

St. Luke’s University Health Network accepts visiting students from other accredited medical schools. Applications are made through the Visiting Student Learning Opportunities (VSLO, formerly VSAS). Our annual elective catalog opens in the spring, after the Temple/St. Luke’s students’ fourth year schedules have been finalized. Applications are processed and offers extended on a space-available basis.

Eligibility Requirements

To be a visiting student at St. Luke’s you must:

  • Be in your 3rd or 4th year of medical school
  • Have either BLS or ACLS training that has not expired
  • Have completed a criminal background check within twelve (12) months prior to your rotation
  • Have an active affiliation agreement on file between your institution and St. Luke’s


An application is considered complete in VSLO when it includes your:

  • CV/Resume
  • Transcript
  • Photo
  • USMLE Step 1 or COMLEX Level 1 score report
  • Statement of Interest for the specific elective you are pursuing

Incomplete applications will not be reviewed. You will receive a response via VSLO. If an offer is made, you have one-to-two weeks to accept or decline; after the designated timeframe for that elective, the offer expires. You may apply for any electives that are open, but you may not take more than four (4) electives at SLUHN in one academic year.

Post-decision requirements

Once you have accepted an offer, the following documents are due via VSLO:

  • AAMC Immunization Form
  • Background check/FBI Fingerprinting
  • PA Child Abuse Clearance
  • TB Test
  • Influenza Vaccine
  • Rotation objectives

Please use VSLO for all correspondence related to visiting student applications.


At this time, per Pennsylvania guidelines, we are only able to extend offers to students currently attending US-based medical schools.

We have very limited housing available, allocated on a first-come, first served basis. Most students choose to stay with local family members or choose an extended stay or short-term rental during their rotation.

All rotation offerings are available via VSLO. If a rotation is not posted in VSLO, we do not have space for additional students in that department.

For more information on the visiting student program,
please contact Medical Student Education Coordinator Beth Adams at