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About the Program

Chiropractor assisting patient with back pain

Welcome to the Chiropractic Residency Program.

St. Luke’s Chiropractic Residency strives to become the nation’s top-rated chiropractic training program for DCs interested in cultivating skills in patient-centered, multimodal coordination of care within an integrated setting. Upon completion, the residents will attain certification required for new hires into the SLUHN chiropractic department.

Building the necessary skills.

St Luke’s Chiropractic Residency fulfills every characteristic that medical residents consider when choosing amongst residency opportunities: Opportunity (career path), Professional Environment, Faculty Expertise, Unique Rotations, Elective Opportunities, Community Engagement, located within our Academic Medical Center.

The residents will be active participants in a newly established, fast-growing division that grew to some 20,000 patient visits within a year of inception.

Doctor stretching patient's arm
Group of doctors with arms crossed

Driven to provide high quality care.

The Chiropractic Residency Program draws its strength from the practical experience of its leadership and faculty. Cumulatively, they provide over 90 years of experience working within integrated, hospital-based networks, providing evidence-based, patient-centered care to diverse patient populations that range from office workers to the critically injured to professional athletes.

A rewarding career, a rewarding package

Explore our commitment to providing competitive compensation and a range of benefits designed to enhance your residency experience.

Group of happy residents

How to Apply

Submit your application to be considered for St. Luke's Chiropractic Residency Program.

Apply now