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Chiropractic Residency Program

Your career in integrated chiropractic care starts here.

Chiropractor assisting patient with back pain

Welcome to the Chiropractic Residency Program.

Health care systems nationwide are mired with increasing costs and provider shortages. As DCs are an integral component of the conservative care team, specializing in efficient and effective health care utilization, there are increasing opportunities for chiropractors to provide care within integrated and hospital-based settings.

St. Luke’s Chiropractic Residency will be initiated in July of 2025 and will be sponsored by St. Luke’s University Health Network to facilitate meeting the growing need. The mission of the St. Luke’s Chiropractic Residency is to prepare chiropractic residents for integrated clinical practice in hospitals and other integrated care settings through patient-centered, psychologically informed, evidence-based education and hospital-based clinical training within an academic medical center setting consisting of 15 campuses, 350+ offsite locations, and 20,000+ employees.


Driven to provide high quality care.

The residents are mentored by accomplished core faculty who are national leaders with decades of experience in integrated chiropractic care with a musculoskeletal focus. These clinicians share their expertise in patient care, care coordination, and sports medicine to provide a robust educational experience. The faculty aim to empower the residents to be leaders within their profession, communities, and organizations.

Group of doctors with arms crossed
Doctor reading and taking notes from a book

Access to robust resources.

The patient care provided and observed by the chiropractic residents at SLUHN will be amongst the most diverse afforded within the profession, nation and worldwide. Approximately 12 % of the residency hours are geared towards scholarly activity and research, allowing ample opportunity to cultivate case studies, podium presentations and published papers in high impact journals.

Quick program overview

Graduation Cap Icon
1 year

Program length


Resident salary


Clinical subspecialties


Number of seats

Training sites

St. Luke’s Chiropractic Residency program offers a well-rounded experience across 3 campuses, providing exposure to diverse patient populations and advanced technologies.