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Start your rewarding journey with St. Luke’s

The St. Luke’s Graduate Medical Education program offers a competitive salary and a comprehensive benefits package. Residents who have successfully completed the St. Luke’s residency program and moved into practice have commented that the cost of living in the Lehigh Valley is lower and they found that they had more buying power than in the large cities.

Group of people holding hands in the air

Addiction Psychiatry Track Rotations

The information below provides an illustrative example of the rotation schedule. Please note that specifics are subject to change as updates and enhancements to program are continually made to improve the resident learning experience.

Rotation Hospital Campus Duration
Residential Detox/Rehab St. Luke's Penn Foundation 12 weeks
Consult Liaison Psychiatry St. Luke's Anderson & Sacred Heart Campus 8 weeks
Dual Diagnosis St. Luke's Sacred Heart Campus 8 weeks
Level 4 Withdrawal Management Unit St. Luke's Sacred Heart Campus 4 weeks
Maternal Fetal Medicine St. Luke's Bethlehem Campus 4 weeks
Pain Medicine St. Luke's Bethlehem Campus 4 weeks
Community Medicine Block Various locations 4 weeks
Research Block Various locations 4 weeks
Elective Block Various locations 4 weeks