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- What You Can Support
- Providing World Class Care
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Building for our Future
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School of Nursing Memorial & Tribute Gifts
Memorial and tribute donations are an especially meaningful way to acknowledge the lives of friends and family while providing scholarship help to deserving students enrolled in the St. Luke’s School of Nursing diploma program. St. Luke’s is proud to recognize the following individuals who have been honored with gifts totaling $1,000 or more.
Memorial/Tribute Gifts (after January 1, 2013)
Memorial and tribute donations are an especially meaningful way to acknowledge the lives of friends and family. It is a gesture of admiration and deep respect. St. Luke’s is proud to recognize the following individuals who have been honored with gifts totaling $1,000 or more that were donated in support of St. Luke’s School of Nursing.
In Memory of:
- Jean L. Dillman
- Jean L. Kroll
Memorial/Tribute Gifts (made before January 1, 2013)
Memorial and tribute donations are an especially meaningful way to acknowledge the lives of friends and family. It is a gesture of admiration and deep respect. St. Luke’s is proud to recognize the following individuals who have been honored with gifts totaling $500 or more that were donated in support of St. Luke’s School of Nursing.
In Honor of:
- Richard A. Anderson
- Anne K. Bambu
- The Class of 1958
- The Gardner Estate
- Clement & Ethel Hanlon
- Priscilla Payne Hurd
- School of Nursing Faculty & Staff
- Janet Sipple
- Doris Tidrick
- Eileen A. Worth
- Linda R. Young
In Memory of:
Edna Wolff Askew
Elaine A. Barnako
Frank Biro
Rojean A. Botts
Sandye Caruso
Elsie B. Cech
Deceased Classmates of 1956
June A. Deily
Alan C. Dillman
Tonya Marie Doddy
Joyce L. Drake
Matthew P. Faylor
George Figlear
Eugenia Fritchman
Shirley Hall
Julie R. Hosking
Jon E. Howland
Margaret Steager Jones
Gerald A. Kimble
Irene Kriebel
Richard C. Kukletz
Alice M. Landis
Virginia Hicklin Lilly - Class of "47"
Jean Mae McDonough
Sarah E. McGovern
James J. Meilinger, Jr.
Julia Miller
V.E. Woodring Moore
Gloria J. Freefield Murray
Doris Worth Nagell
Barbara A. Niemy
Kathryn M. Ockenhouse
Bernard Olson
George J. Pallrand
Carolyn Phillips
Shea M. Picht
Albert M. Reed
Esther M. Reinsel
Julia S. Ritter
Marjorie A. Shestok
Nicholas A. Shestok
Marietta E. Staffieri Smith
Orchys Kohler Smith - Class of "52"
Jean E. Stipe
Harold Sugg
Olive M. Turel
Louise Ungerleider
Amy Beth A. Williams
Barbara J. Woomer
Mary Zubia
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