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Hospice Memorial & Tribute Gifts
Memorial and tribute gifts help to strengthen our Hospice Program. We are honored to recognize the loved ones of donors who have made gifts in their honor or memory.
Memorial Gifts (after January 1, 2013)
Memorial and tribute donations are an especially meaningful way to acknowledge the lives of friends and family. It is a gesture of admiration and deep respect. St. Luke’s is proud to recognize the following individuals who have been honored with cumulative gifts totaling $1,000 or more through the St. Luke’s Hospice Memorial Gift Program starting on January 1, 2013.
In Memory of:
Don S. Abbott
Angelo L. Alfano
Jack P. Asure
James E. Audenried
Josephine M. Balshi
Paulette M. Balshi
Mary E. Barnes
Ned R. Barlieb
Donald D. Barry
Shirley F. Baxter
Charlotte R. Bearse
Patricia J. Beck
Renea J. Behrens
Mark C. Bernhard
Helen F. Bollinger
Mary Jean Bold
Jane Book
June Brown
Peter Bulcavage
Lori A. Burnley
Josephine T. Buttillo
Anthony V. Caciolo
Luther R. Campbell
Dino P. Cantelmi
Mary G. Cappadona
Justin M. Carisio
John F. Casilio
Kenneth J. Castle
Carmella Cavallo
Robyn Cecchini
Ronald J. Cervenka
William C. Collins
Paul J. Connolly
Janet M. Contakes Floen
Eleanor L. Cook
Marcella Creedon Blum
Mary E. Crosson
Oley L. Cunningham
Elizabeth T. D'Ambrosio
Margaret M. Dancho
William Asher Daub
Dawn B. Davis
Rita Davis
Michael A. Dellisant
Louis DeNardo
Joan E. Dennis
Norma Donatelli
Eleanor H. Dondiego
Elizabeth A. Dorwart
Donald G. Dougherty
Joanne Del Prado
Denise A. DiGuiseppi
Mary C. Elliott
Janet L. Evans
Ethel N. Everett
Anthony L. Falcone
Allen R. Fales
Barbara A. Farmer
Joan C. Ferguson
Mary M. Fida
Ronald J. Fradeneck
Woodrow Frey
James B. Gaffney, Jr.
Mary L. Gahagan
Elmer D. Gates
Richard A. Gatti
Emily E. Gilotti
Albert M. Giovanni
Edward Glaessmann
Richard M. Goga
Cheryl R. Good
Ralph Grossman
Domenic J. Guerrieri
Mary S. Haldaman
Franklin T. Hann
Barbara Hanson
Eleanor S. Harada
Jeffrey J. Harr
David H. Hartman
Ralph Hawbecker
Helen Hawbecker
Elizabeth A. Hazler
Ronald J. Helmuth
Thomas F. Higgins
Donald J. Hillman
Gary N. Hobson
Leon C. Holt
Michael G. Homick, Sr.
Gilbert Huertas
Elinor A. Imbt
Jean A. Jeske
Pamela J. Judd
Clara I. Johnson
Martha A. Jurgens
Sandra J. Keller
William R. Kennedy
Stephen F. Kielar
Robert M. Kistler
Jana Klier
Gertud Knerr
Sallie T. Kolick
Diane Kornfeind
Ethel F. Korpics
Michael L. Kozo
Sandra K. Kraus
Michael J. Kunkle
William E. Lagler
Clark R. Larson
William E. Leitzel
Suzanne M. Lettich
Veronica C. Lewicki
Paul K. Lewis
Amelia A. Logan
Cleopatra A. Loupos
William G. M'Gonigle
Rose J. Magdasy
Stephen J. Mangano
Josephine Manos
Jeanne Marcantognini
Christine A. Marsh
Margaret A. Martinko
Joseph P. Marucci
Viola McBride
James I. McFarland
Barrie G. McMath
Lucy Melendez
Richard M. Menne
Joan R. Messner
Robert C. Miller
Shari Miller
Kathleen M. Mills
Pamela F. Minarik
Mark L. Mindler
Suresh Modi
Carol J. Mollard
Michael E. Molnar
Irene Mooney
Katharine B. Moore
Betty A. Morris
Florence E. Morton
Marie A. Moyer
Mary W. Neupauer
Ross M. Orr
Mary Ann Owens
James F. Paar
Muriel R. Parlin
Francis J. Pecuch
Karen N. Perna
Margaret V. Petrilla
Isabel Philip
Helen Piscitello
Kathryn S. Plotts
Ernest Poerksen
Laura B. Pollitt
Fred A. Poluhovich
Elizabeth L. Protchko
Margaret A. Purrazzella
Thomas S. Pursel
Judith E. Raefski
Leonard J. Ramirez
Janet B. Reid
John S. Rentschler
Dorothy I. Resetco
Sandra J. Rhode
Edwards D. Richards
Bertha Rickert
Anna S. Rodrigues
Robin J. Rover
Edward D. Rubel
Shirley H. Sabol
Dorothy E. Sabota
Marie A. Sangirardi
Gabriel M. Scala
Rose M. Scharle
Michael H. Scheerer
John H. Schickram
Brian J. Schlener
Caren R. Schlessinger
Ronald W. Scrafano
Isabelle M. Service
Charles G. Sherer
Robert H. Sheriff
Joseph A. Simonetta
Samuel J. Sims
Priscilla L. Singer
John F. Sipics
William J. Smith
James E. Snyder
Joseph V. Spadaccia
Delphine J. Spagnuolo
Charles F. Spencer
Ruth M. Spivey
Agnes K. Steffens
Capt. David N. Stehly
Sherry L. Sterner
Jane A. Sullivan
Thomas Sweeney
Patricia Bloss Taylor
Vincenzina Thoder
Frank J. Varju
Mary Ann Vigilanti
Joseph Walakovits
Robert P. Wei
Joanne H. Wendling
Jeffrey R. Wert
Marianne C. Williams
Michael T. Yenolevich
George J. Zachmann
Jane F. Zakovitch
Raymond E. Ziegler
Stanley R. Zweifel
Memorial Gifts (January 2008 through December 2012)
Memorial and tribute donations are an especially meaningful way to acknowledge the lives of friends and family. It is a gesture of admiration and deep respect. St. Luke's is proud to recognize the following individuals who have been honored with cumulative gifts totaling $500 or more through the St. Luke's Hospice Memorial Gift Program from January, 2008 through December, 2012.
In Honor of:
- Edward and Eleanor Whitehead
In Memory of:
Harvey T. Acker
Elaine C. Afflerbach
Theodore L. Albohn
Herbert F. Allen
Anna E. Altemus
Harold F. Altmiller
Charles S. Anderko
John G. Anderson
Richard C. Assetto
Frances Atanasio
Helen T. Austen
Lucy Avigliano
Milad Azar
Raphie P. Azzolina
Carol M. Lush Badesso
Lois M. Bachmann
Joseph M. Baldanza
Martha W. Balint
Mary Ann Banks
Bertha Barna
Joanna W. Barsness
Stephen A. Barsony
Italo J. Bartera
Donald Bauer
Robert B. Beach
Cheryl M. Beahn
Andrew Bednar
Sophie Bednar
John M. Beginnes
Ruth E. Bell
Jacqueline Bellis
Robert W. Bennicoff, Sr.
Roger F. Besecker
Esterina Bianco
Vito Bianco
Albert J. Bigatel
Thomas H. Biggs
Janet N. Biro
Rodney A. Bittenbender
Eleanor M. Black
Margalo A. Blauch
Pauline E. Blew
Rosemarie Boehm
Paul S. Bogoly
Gail A. Boles
Lee R. Bollinger
Doris M. Bower
Richard H. Bower
Stephen Boyko
John J. Brady
Irene Brauer
Eleanor M. Brewer
Ann Brigham
Nellie T. Brita
William G. Broad
Elizabeth A. Brockway
Nancy A. Brong
Geraldine I. Brown
Linda K. Brown
Rita Ann Brown
Harry W. Buchanan
Ralph J. Buratti
Catherine R. Burke
Janet Burnett
George H. Burns
Ruth E. Calkins
Edythe Calland
Jean M. Calvitti
Albert Cambiotti
Dorothy Campbell
Donald B. Canfield
Francis Carnahan
Dr. E. Josephine Casselberry Munson
Benedict T. Castriota
Geraldine M. Castronova
Florence E. Cericola
Anna Mae Chalupa
Mary C. Christ
Rose D. Christian
Dawne M. Cicero
Marvin B. Clause
Hilda Clauser
C. Dena Colitas
Frances Connolly
Joyce Costello
Mario Cozzubbo
Robert M. Cressman
Virginia C. Creyer
M. Henry Crouthamel
O. August Cruche
Lawrence Csaszar
Helen M. Cudemo
Michael N. Cudemo
Mary L. Davanzo
Faith Dean
William G. DeAngelis
Johanna M. deGroot
Herman J. Deitzer
Francis DeLucia
Eleanor DeMarco
Gerald D. Demko
Teresa DePaul
Clarissa A. Derr
Nancy Detzi
Josephine R. DeVantier
Wendell Dickmeyer
Paul M. Dinan
Dawn L. Dougherty
Dorothy C. Dowling
Brooks S. Doyle
Stephanie Doyle
Norraine Ducey
Robert J. Dugan
Alvin Dutter
Robert A. Eaton
Dorothy Eckhart
Richard W. Ede
Dorothy Edolo
Frank Edolo
Eleanor M. Elder
Louis G. Engelmann
G. Robert Erie
Elizabeth A. Fague
Rose S. Fallon
George Fallos
Frank L. Farnschlader
Sylvia C. Fehnel
Russell E. Fell
Louis Ferrandino
Louisette B. Fisher
Virginia J. Fisher
Theresa M. Flanagan
Marie A. Flavelle Presto
Helen A. Fox
Marjorie M. Fox
Elaine Franciosa
Charles H. Frankenbach
Muriel M. Frankenfield
Robert J. Frankett
Louis E. Freeh
Howard W. Frey
Richard D. Frey, Jr.
Robert Friedman
George Fritchman
Shirley M. Fritz
Evelyn Fry
Lorraine Gabellini
Jacinto F. Gammino
Bonny L. Garland
Edwin Gaumer
Joan P. Gennusa
Joseph Gentile
Todd P. Gerhart
Arthur Gerlach
Russell A. Gianforcaro
Rosemarie Gibiser
Donna Giering
Herbert C. Gilbert
Jane M. Gillespie
Alan K. Godshall
August J. Goldsmith
Helen B. Gollatz
Donald B. Gordon
Linda D. Grady
Evelyn M. Grander
Ilona Greczy
William F. Greenawald
Jack E. Greene
Edwin Greenleaf
Denise R. Greidanus
Pauline A. Groff
Robert R. Gross, III
Wayne A. Grube
Edward R. Hackenbrack
Lillian M. Hall
Anna Hamrick
Sylvia M. Hamscher
Julia Hanchick
Frank A. Hanner
Richard Hanzarik
Minerva Hardick
Vivian Hari
Dale R. Harrigle
Robert E. Hartmann
Thomas N. Hartung
Dennis C. Hartzell
Daniel Hasenecz
Arlene Hassick
John R. Hassick
Frances T. Hastings
Ernest A. Hauck
Arthur R. Hawk
Dale A. Hawk
Helen I. Headman
Betty Ann Heidecker
Linda L. Heilman
Marjorie N. Heimbach
Jean Heist
Dolores Hellwig
Betty M. Helm
Robert W. Helman
Meredith Hemphill
Andrew L. Herster
David A. Hibbard
Merlin R. Hillegass
Harlan C. Hinkle
Laverne N. Hoch
Ellen A. Hoffman
Frances M. Hoffman
Rita M. Hoffner
Elaine D. Hokenson
Francis X. Holahan
Raymond C. Holz
Anita R. Honochick
Adam Horvath
Florence Howard
Dwight Hower
Hedwig Hoyer
George J. Hucaluk
Edward Hudak
Margaret E. Hudak
Arline W. Hunsicker
Marie C. Iampietro
Charles I. Infusino
George John, Jr.
Edward J. Jones
William B. Jones
Jean L. Jordan
Francis Julia
Helen Kadar
Edith Kalas
John M. Kametz
Cecelia C. Karabin
Helen Karalius
Janice Katowitz
Irene M. Keck
Susanne M. Kehler
Robert P. Keiper
Bernice F. Keller
Judith Kempf
Elizabeth E. Kennedy
Cindy Kent
Sheila P. Kern
George Kerr
Anna E. King
Margaret H. Kish
Beatrice M. Kline
Dorothy Klucsarits
David B. Knauth
Earl M. Kneebone
Bernadine B. Knoblick
Marcella A. Koch
Irving E. Koltun
Anthony P. Konecny
Gertrude Koplin
Frank J. Kovacs
James W. Kovatch
Corinne K. Kramer
Anna A. Krenicky
Dorothy E. Kressman
George R. Kuncken
Linda K. Kurisco
Louise Laccitiello
H. Roy Lambert
Elaine Larish
Rochelle L. S. Latteman
John J. Lawrence
Herbert Lebovitz
Joseph H. Lennert
Phyllis F. Lentz
Richard F. Lichtenwalner
Anne Lilly
Althea A. Livirrie
Helen Lobb
Karin Lobley
Grace C. Loprete
Dora Loretti
Theresa Maher
Verna Makarchuk
Beatrice M. Malloy
Frank J. Maloney
Barbara Manning
Carol A. Marinetti
Daniel A. Marino
Elsie M. Marks
Gerald Marquardt
Marbeth E. Martin
John P. Marzen
Charmaine Masut
Lita M. Mattimore
John J. Mazsa
Gerald McClure
Thomas McDevitt
Betty M. McDonell
James F. McGovern
Scott McKlveen
James McNealis
Agostinho Mendes
Keith B. Merritt
Michael L. Messinger
Erna Metzger
Lois R. Meyer
Angela Mikitka
Eloise B. Miller
Margaret J. Miller
Wayne P. Miller
Marie T. Mills
Anna A. Minardi
Ann M. Mittura
Ruth J. Montague
Gladys D. Morales-Balabkins
Jane A. Moretz
Robert J. Morgan
Harold F. Morris
Virginia M. Mortimer
William J. Moyer
Vincent Mullaney
Patricia C. Mulligan
Paula Mumbauer
Mary A. Muniz
Eugene F. Murphy
Antonio Musorafite
Katherine M. Nagy
Elsie W. Nemesh
Irene K. Nemeth
Terrence Noel
Joseph Nosal
Diane R. Oechsle
Eleanor Olshefski
Wendy L. Omdahl
Andrew Oravec
Pauline E. Oriel
Edith Oswald
Olga Ozdinec
Barbara H. Panzini
Bertalan Papp
Judith Parsons
Anne Patrylo
Lyndale J. Pavlinsky
Leo P. Payavis
Lucy Pellegrino
Vincent F. Perez
Irene C. Petko
Marie Petro
George J. Petrovich
Gertrude W. Petzel
Josephine K. Pfeffer
Lucille Phillip
Jerry A. Picone
Henry H. Pierce
Peter Pietruch
Dolores Pinczok
Anthony P. Pino
Helen F. Piripavel
Sherry Plano
Frank M. Plocic
Patricia Prator
Aldo F. Presutti
Edward K. Price
Anna Proszics
Jerry Purcell
Robert G. Raidline
Jack Ratarsky
Kinsey S. Reagan
Charles A. Reaser
Karen Rebernik
Mary Recker
Steven D. Reese
Anne L. Reichard
Emma Z. Reichelderfer
Anna T. Reiss
Edward J. Repyneck
Georgia D. Reybitz
Jo Ann Rinehart
Helen Rinkunas
William J. Ripper, Sr.
Pauline Rissmiller
Cecelia B. Ritter
Mildred Ritter
Shirley Robbins
Shirley A. Roberts
William R. Robinson
Lewis A. Rogers
Louis J. Romanell
Lewis P. Ronca
Rose R. Ronca
Eugene J. Roncoroni
Mary D. Roseman
Kenneth Rothrock
Veronica A. Ruddick
Joseph A. Ruggiero
Peter Rumore
William J. Russ
James A. Ruth
Jacqueline Ruyak
Steve E. Sacarakis
Edward R. Sajt
Charles R. Sampson
Rose Marie Sandt
Dorothy Scarpantonio
Ruthann Schaeffer
Marie Schaller
Franklin Schatz
Bernadette J. Schramko
Frederick R. Schuler
Loretta Schultz
Etta M. Schwartz
Joan Sechrist
Frances V. Seer
Stephen Seier
Edward J. Seitz
Jacqueline L. Sheehan
Richard C. Sheets
Eldon Shelly
Daniel Sigley
Scott Silver
Marianne T. Singley
Helen Sloss
Fred G. Smartschan
Jack L. Smith
Lois J. Smith
Adrianus Snoey
Carl E. Snyder
Gregory Snyder
Harold D. Snyder
Carmen L. Spagnola
Grayce A. Sparta
Charles H. Spaziani
Robert A. Speidel
Marie A. Spillane
Gwynne A. Sponchiado
Rosaria S. Stalletti
Anton Stangl
John Steciw
James T. Stefanik
Shirley D. Stefanik
Grace Steixner
Joseph W. Stella
Paul L. Stephen, Jr.
Anna A. Sterner
Daniel S. Stinner
Dorothy Stoudt
Marie E. Stoudt
Larry R. Strawn
Lillian W. Strawn
Ernest J. Subbe
Harold J. Suess
Rose M. Sullivan
Hugh T. Sutherland
Paul Svanda
Andrew Swadeba
Virginia D. Sweitzer
Sally A. Swider
Ethel M. Szabo
Beverly Takach
Stephen Takacs, Jr.
Margaret Tapajcik
Elaine A. Tatkovsky
Robert W. Taylor
Marie Tegyi
Eva D. Tertusek
Joseph Tertusek
Santo Todora
Stefie M. Toman
Marion Tomasko
Cathlene M. Toth
Frank Toth, Jr.
Donald H. Trautlein
Russell A. Trimble
Mildred C. Troiani
Harold R. Troxell
Yolanda Tumminello
Charles J. Tuskes
Waltraut M. Tymon
Darlene N. Tyson
Joyce Unangst
John H. Updegrove
Morris Vaccaro
Willem Van Gelder
Doris E. Vanderlely
John A. Vass
Margaret M. Vetovitz
William H. Villa
Frederick Vog
Joseph M. Vorholy
Eva M. Wack
Jean E. Wadnik
Herman B. Waldman
Jack Walker
Alfred Wamser
Charles R. Ward
Douglas M. Watson
Paula E. Watts
James H. Weber
Jacqueline A. Wehrhahn
Mildred Weiner
Robert Wells
Leilani K. Westcott
Helen Wevurski
Malcolm L. White
Donald R. Williams
Jackman S. Wilson
JoAnn M. Wilson
Ruth P. Wilson
Steven B. Wilson
Susan L. Wilson
Evelyn J. Winters
Renee Wise
Helen Wodzicki
Helmut Wohlers
Barbara Wolfinger
Elizabeth S. Woodard
Sandra R. Woodring
John Yanek
Theresa Yannuzzi
Thomas J. Yencho
Pauline Yonney
Joleita Yurchak
Eugene J. Zamadics
Margaret F. Zelezen
Anna Zevas
Walter F. Zollinger
Anna Zukovich
Marian Zulli
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