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If You are Underweight Prior to Surgery

Fork leaning on a bowl of salad

If you are underweight or if you have been diagnosed with protein calorie malnutrition – improving your nutritional status will support recovery. Nutritional management should begin pre-operatively in preparation of the increased demands of surgery. You should continue postoperatively to maintain nutritional status for supporting wound healing, improving immune function, and assisting in functional recovery.

General tips:

  • Several small meals a day are easier to eat and digest than large meals. Space out 2-3 hours apart.
  • Take advantage when you feel hungry.
  • Eat leftovers and nutritious snacks between meals and night snacks to boost your intake.
  • Focus on high protein foods: add cheese to toast, crackers, sandwiches, potatoes, vegetables, soup, noodles. Use milk when preparing hot cereals or cream soups. Use cream sauces for vegetables and pasta. Add powdered milk to cream soups, mashed potatoes, hot cereal. Have hard cooked eggs available in the refrigerator. Add leftover meats to soup, salads, casseroles, omelets, dips. Sprinkle nuts and seeds on yogurt, cereals, fruit, desserts like pudding, custard and ice cream, as well as on vegetables, salad, and pasta. Use peanut butter on toast, bread, fruits. Add powdered milk or peanut butter to smoothies and shakes. Add beans, peas, lentils to salads, soups, casseroles, vegetable dishes.
  • Include protein bars or shakes.

Before Surgery:

High Protein, Health Diet and supplement with Ensure® Enlive, Boost® or other standard oral protein calorie supplements (drink 2 bottles per day for a minimum of 7 days before surgery).


  • Chronic Kidney Disease Stage 4 (with or without dialysis)-consult your physician
  • Known diabetes or hyperglycemia-Glucerna Shake: 1- (8oz) can two times/day
  • Patients with dysphagia-high protein pudding or thickened shake

After Surgery:

Ensure® Enlive, Boost® or other standard oral protein calorie supplement:

  • Drink 2 bottles per day for a minimum of 7 days after surgery


  • Chronic Kidney Disease Stage 4 (with or without dialysis)-consult your physician
  • Known diabetes or hyperglycemia-Glucerna Shake: 1- (8oz) can two times/day
  • Patients with dysphagia-high protein pudding or thickened shake

Goal is to gain 1 lb of weight per week leading up to surgery unless otherwise directed by your physician.