Medical Weight Loss Medical Options

Medical Options

Medical Weight Loss Program Options

With our medical weight loss options, patients benefit from one-one time with weight loss experts like physicians, registered dietitians, and exercise physiologists, along with the option of group support through weekly classes. By achieving a healthy weight, patients can decrease the likelihood of developing certain illnesses and improve their quality of life.

HealthyCORE Intensive Lifestyle Intervention - Average Weight Loss is 1-3 pounds per week

  • 12-week intensive lifestyle weight loss program
  • Focus on nutrition, behavior and exercise modification to promote a healthy weight
  • Features weekly weight checks and educational classes
  • Individual meal planning with dietitian
  • Meal replacement options available: Shakes, Puddings, Soups, Bars

VLCD (Very Low Calorie Diet) - Aggressive Weight Loss is 3-5 pounds per week

  • Ketogenic program utilizing nutritionally complete meal replacements as the sole source of nutrition
  • Very low calorie, low-carbohydrate, high protein diet ~800 calories / 50 grams of carbs
  • Dietitian follow up every 2 weeks
  • Option to transition to a low-calorie diet at any time


  • Primarily managed by medical provider
  • Focus on nutrition, behavior and exercise modification to promote a healthy weight
  • Registered Dietician available to help with meal planning
  • FDA approved prescription weight loss medications may be offered with this program when appropriate

Weight Loss Medications

Medications can offer significant benefits in the weight management process, especially when combined with lifestyle changes. They may serve as an initial approach or complement other weight loss strategies. These medications include, but not limited to:

  • Zepbound: Average weight loss of 20%
  • Wegovy: Average weight loss of 15%
  • Saxenda: Average weight loss of 10%
  • Qsymia: Average weight loss of 5-10%
  • Contrave: Average weight loss of 5-10%
  • Phentermine: Average weight loss of 5-10%

Ready to get started or have questions?

Feel free to call St. Luke’s Weight Management Center Allentown at 484-426-2600, St. Luke’s Weight Management Center Monroe at 272-212-0620 OR St. Luke’s Weight Management Center Warren at 908-847-6722 and select the medical weight management or non-surgical prompt.

Or you can attend a LIVE Medical Weight Management Free Information Sessionby going to the St. Luke’s Event Calendar and searching the word "medical."

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