Nurse-Family Partnership
Support for at-risk mothers from pregnancy through early childhood.
Nurse-Family Partnership program cost = free!
The Nurse-Family Partnership (NFP) is a voluntary, evidence-based home visitation program in which Registered Nurses with specialized education visit low-income, at-risk mothers from early in pregnancy through the first two years of the child’s life to accomplish three goals:
- Improve pregnancy outcomes
- Improve child health and development
- Improve families’ economic self-sufficiency
Mother eligibility
- 28 weeks or less gestation
- Income below 235% of federal poverty guidelines or on WIC or medical assistance
- Resident of Lehigh or Northampton County
Mothers with previous children
- Mother already has children
- Able to enroll before the birth of child
- Income below 235% of federal poverty guidelines or on WIC or medical assistance AND has significant risk factors
- Resident of Lehigh or Northampton County
*Entry into the program early in pregnancy is correlated with higher program retention and completion. Please contact 484-526-2786 or with any questions!
The NFP is based on over 38 years of research and is aligned with the National Service office for NFP that continues to conduct ongoing research and data collection to continue to improve the program. The NFP program is the gold standard for evidence-based home visitation programs. The NFP model draws from three distinct strands of theory: human ecology, self-efficacy, and attachment. These theoretical strands woven together within a professional nursing framework, produce a unique program of great depth, breadth and vitality.
Family Outcomes from NFP randomized control trials have shown:
Improvement in women’s prenatal health:
- 79% reduction in preterm delivery for women who smoke, and reductions in high-risk pregnancies as a result of greater intervals between first and subsequent births
Improved Child Health and Development:
- Reduction in criminal activity 59% reduction in child arrests at age 15
- Reduction in injuries 39% fewer injuries among children
- 56% reduction in emergency room visits for accidents and poisonings
- 48% reduction in child abuse and neglect
- Increase in children’s school readiness 50% reduction in language delays of child age 21 months
- 67% reduction in behavioral/ intellectual problems at age six
Increased Economic Self-Sufficiency:
Fewer unintended subsequent pregnancies
- 32% fewer subsequent pregnancies
Increase in maternal employment
- 82% increase in months employed
Reduction in welfare use
- 20% reduction in months on welfare
Increase in father involvement
- 68% increase in father’s presence in household
Reduction in criminal activity
- 61% fewer arrests of the mother; 72% fewer convictions of the mother
Get involved today!
How can you get involved? Join our NFP Community Advisory Board.
The purpose of an NFP Community Advisory Board (CAB) is to meet the needs identified by the local NFP agency and to provide support in an advisory capacity to achieve the program mission. NFP CAB’s are comprised of highly committed individuals and organizations that share a passion for positively impacting the lives of families in their communities.