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St. Luke’s RHA doctors are among the Lehigh Valley’s most skilled and experienced. Our specialists are all licensed healthcare practitioners, having completed extensive training that leads to a rigorous certification process. And due to our large network of over 12 hospital sites, we have access to the latest technology. These resources allow us to perform effective treatments with results you can be proud of. 

What is RHA?

RHA is a cosmetic treatment that uses hyaluronic acid-based dermal filler to improve facial counters and reduce dynamic facial wrinkles. It can be administered on your cheeks, lips, forehead, and mouth areas to treat a variety of cosmetic concerns. Though the results are temporary, they can last for up to 18 months (depending on usage).

The RHA collection of products includes different substance combinations—designed to address various types of lines, wrinkles, and lost fat volume on your face. RHA is unique in that it’s approved to treat dynamic wrinkles (ones that form when your face is moving), compared to static wrinkles (ones that form when your face is at rest). 

If you want to learn more about RHA —or schedule a consultation with an RHA doctor in the Lehigh Valley—then contact St. Luke’s Plastic & Reconstructive Surgery.


RHA candidates include adults who want to rejuvenate facial features and smooth the skin. By using a chemical compound that stimulates collagen production, this dermal filler can immediately add volume to fat pads in your face and enable your body to create collagen on its own. 

RHA is considered a dynamic filler—which means they add volume to your face while allowing natural-looking movements. While your results are temporary, they are still relatively long-lasting: you’ll only need injections every 15 months.

To determine if RHA is right for you, schedule a consultation with a St. Luke’s RHA specialist. 

Getting RHA can positively impact your wellbeing and self-confidence. The following list includes some of the most commonly reported benefits:

  • Rejuvenated skin appearance
  • Corrected facial wrinkles
  • Augmented lips
  • Smoother skin consistency

RHA provides the above benefits and more by helping your body create collagen on its own. This dermal filler is known for providing results that look natural, last for longer than other types of fillers, and cause less swelling after treatment.

RHA is an easy, quick, affordable alternative to surgery—though the results are temporary. Having RHA can dramatically improve your body image and give you a more youthful appearance.

As with all cosmetic procedures, RHA has risks. Some of them include the following:

  • Allergic reactions
  • Bruising
  • Swelling
  • Lumpiness
  • Asymmetry

Your RHA specialist will review a complete list of risks before getting your consent.

Before the procedure

Before RHA at St. Luke’s Plastic & Reconstructive Surgery, your physician will answer questions you have and address your expectations. Additionally, they may review your overall health–including the following:

  • General health
  • Risk factors
  • Medical conditions
  • Drug allergies
  • Current medications
  • Herbal supplements
  • Drug or tobacco use
  • Past treatments with injectable fillers

On the day of your RHA, your doctor may take photos for your records.

During the procedure

Your doctor will work with you to determine the best type of treatment to achieve your desired results. RHA for your face only takes a few minutes and doesn’t require anesthesia. Each RHA treatment reduces wrinkles and fine lines on your face—but the different products serve different uses.

RHA for lip augmentation

RHA 2 as lip filler is used to plump lips and smooth lines around your face. RHA 2 lip injections are a preferred way to fill mild wrinkles. Thin lips can occur naturally—but they can also be a sign of aging, sun exposure, or smoking. To treat thin lips temporarily, RHA 2 lip injections are a non-surgical alternative to lip augmentation surgery and should last more than six months.

RHA for under eyes and in eye troughs

RHA 2 for dark circles can improve under eye circles by increasing under eye volume in a way that looks natural. RHA 2 for under eyes and in eye troughs is a preferred way to treat eye volume loss—a cosmetic condition caused by genetics, lack of fat under your eyes, or thin lower eyelid skin. Treating dark circles using RHA 2 is a non-surgical alternative to eyelid surgery and should last for a year.

RHA for marionette lines

RHA for marionette lines can soften age-related lines that stretch from the corners of your mouth to your chin. Because it boosts collagen production, this filler treatment is a preferred way to reduce marionette lines and fill deeper wrinkles. Treating marionette lines using RHA is a non-surgical facelift alternative and may last for up to a year.

RHA for cheeks

RHA 4 as cheek filler adds volume to your cheek area and corrects deep facial wrinkles. Because it boosts collagen production, this filler treatment is a preferred way to reduce signs of aging in your face. RHA 4 for cheeks is a non-surgical facelift alternative and may last for up to 18 months.

RHA for smile and laugh lines (nasolabial folds)

RHA 3 for smile and laugh lines (nasolabial folds)—which targets deeper wrinkles than RHA 2—can soften age-related lines that extend from both sides of your nose to the corners of your mouth. Because it boosts collagen production, this filler treatment is a preferred way to reduce smile and laugh lines. Treating nasolabial folds using RHA 3 is a non-surgical facelift alternative and may last for up to 18 months.

RHA for jowls

RHA 4 for jowls—which targets deep wrinkles—can improve facial contours, correct hollowing, reverse drooping, and restore chin fullness. Because it boosts collagen production, this filler treatment is a preferred way to reduce jowls. Treating jowls using RHA 4 is a non-surgical facelift approach and may last for up to 18 months.

RHA for forehead wrinkles

RHA 2 for forehead wrinkles can reduce fine lines, soften moderate wrinkles, and replace lost volume—all signs of aging. Because it boosts collagen production, this filler treatment is a preferred way to improve forehead wrinkles. Treating forehead wrinkles using RHA 2 is a non-surgical facelift approach and may last for 18 to 24 months.

RHA for lip lines (“smoker’s lines”)

RHA 2 for lip lines can reduce fine “smokers” lines, fill furrows, and replace lost volume—all signs of aging. Using RHA 2 around your mouth to treat mild lines can effectively smooth the appearance of wrinkles and folds. Because it boosts collagen production, this filler treatment is a preferred way to improve lip lines. Treating lines around your mouth using RHA 2 lip filler is a non-surgical facelift approach and may last for up to 18 months.

RHA for jaw slimming

RHA 4 filler can slim your jaw by replacing lost fat pads just below the surface of the skin—a sign of aging—allowing you to restore contours in the lower face. Because it boosts collagen production, this filler treatment is a preferred way to improve forehead wrinkles. Using RHA 4 for jaw slimming is a non-surgical facelift approach and may last for 12 to 18 months.

After the procedure

Patients often notice results immediately, though it can take up to two weeks for the filler to settle. Side effects include pain, bruising, firmness, tenderness—though these are common with other cosmetic treatments as well. However, any noticeable side effects should subside within 24 to 48 hours after your injections. RHA is known for causing less swelling than other dermal fillers.

RHA is a temporary solution for cosmetic concerns, so you’ll need ongoing treatments to maintain your results. But results typically last from one to two years.

Because RHA injections are minimally invasive, there is no downtime. If you experience bruising and other side effects, they should subside within two weeks. To maximize results, you should avoid the following for one day:

  • Alcohol
  • Touching the injunction point
  • Vigorous exercise
  • Sun exposure
  • Smoking
  • NSAID pain relievers
  • Makeup