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Clinical Research Center
Clinical trials help to innovate the field of dermatology. Clinical research studies, which require the participation of consenting patients, can help expand our treatment options by providing access to novel therapies and cutting edge technologies. In fact, much of today’s “standard” dermatology treatments are only possible because of knowledge gained through previous clinical trials.
Excellent dermatologic care is always available at St. Luke’s Dermatology, whether you choose to participate in a clinical trial or receive standard treatment. The decision to enter a clinical trial is always up to you. Our Clinical Research Center conducts numerous trials across multiple sub-specialties of dermatology and all phases of drug and device development. We can help you determine if one of our research studies is right for you.
The best way to find a trial that you may be eligible for is to talk to one of our clinical trials coordinators. They are familiar with all of St. Luke’s ongoing and planned trials and the specific eligibility criteria for each. Our coordinators will consider your personal information (e.g., age, gender, diagnosis, previous treatments, and other health issues, etc.) and help you find a trial that may be right for you.
- Conditions & Services
- Adult & Geriatric Dermatology
- Pediatric & Adolescent Dermatology
- Skin Cancer Evaluation & Treatment
- Moles & Melanoma
- Skin of Color
- Hair, Scalp, & Nails Dermatology
- Mohs Micrographic Surgery
- Skin Enhancement & Rejuvenation
- Laser & Energy-based Therapies
- Dermatopathology
- Clinical Research Center
- Platelet Rich Plasma