SLUHN Seeds Fund to Benefit Older Adults in Carbon County
May 10, 2021
Aiming to extend and expand its legacy of supporting older adults in its service area, St. Luke’s Lehighton Campus is partnering with the Carbon County Community Foundation (CCCF) to establish a grant-giving program to support organizations in Carbon County providing much needed services to the older adult community.
The St. Luke’s Carbon Older Adults Compassionate Care Fund has been established with a one-time gift of $44,000 from St. Luke’s Lehighton to provide grants to organizations that transport senior citizens to medical and social service appointments and provide them with nutritional services, as well as to train persons who work with elderly residents.
“Our hope is that this seed money will be a catalyst to further enhance resources and promote collaboration of the many wonderful organizations working together to improve the lives of our senior citizens in the greater Carbon County area,” John Nespoli, President of Carbon and Lehighton campuses.
St. Luke’s transferred “seed” funds from its former Older Adult Day ProgramFund to the Carbon County Community Foundation which will establish and manage the St. Luke’s Lehighton/Carbon Older Adults Compassionate Care Fund. This new “Field of Interest” fund will allow other like-minded philanthropists to make charitable contributions to grow the fund for the future benefit of older adults in Carbon County.
“We are thrilled to be able to launch this new endeavor to support seniors living in Carbon County,” said Sharon Alexander, President of the Carbon County Community Foundation. “We are incredibly grateful to St. Luke’s for entrusting the Community Foundation with these funds, and we look forward to ensuring that this is an ongoing resource for Carbon County for generations to come.”
CCCF will distribute a portion of the fund balance annually to deserving social service providers that serve the Carbon County older adult population.
About the Carbon County Community Foundation
The Carbon County Community Foundation was formed in 2015 with the mission to improve the quality of life for residents of the Carbon County region, now and forever. The Foundation exists to simultaneously be a philanthropic leader, a community resource and a financial steward. Carbon County Community Foundation’s role in charitable giving is:
· to help donors realize their goals today and in the future
· to improve the capacity of nonprofits to meet vital needs through grants and workshops
· to facilitate opportunities for collaboration and innovation
· to build resources and strengthen our community, forever
Learn more about CCCF at or by calling 1-855-545-1311.
Photo caption: John Nespoli, President St. Luke's Lehighton and Carbon Campuses, and Sharon Alexander, President and CEO CCCF
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