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Shoulder Injury Couldn’t Stop His Green Thumb

March 08, 2019

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Herb Stecker loves working in the greenhouse on his property in Saylorsburg, Pa.

Back in 2012, that labor of love turned into a recipe for disaster when he tripped in his shed and fell into some equipment, dislocating his right collarbone. “I couldn’t even lift my arm up parallel to the ground,” said Stecker.

Fortunately, Stecker knew right where to go for extraordinary orthopedic care. He was still working as a physical education teacher at Phillipsburg High School at the time, and he immediately got in touch with orthopedic surgeon at St. Luke’s Orthopedic Care.

Herb’s shoulder dislocation separated the AC joint, the place where the clavicle (collarbone) meets the acromion, the highest point of the shoulder. Two of the main ligaments that hold the joint in place had torn.

Keeping in line with St. Luke’s philosophy of cut-last for orthopedic care, Stecker went to physical therapy for a few weeks, but when the non-operative treatment didn’t help Stecker get his arm to function any better, it was time for surgery, something Herb had never undergone.

“I’ve been pretty lucky as far as aches and pains go,” he said. “This was my first-ever surgery. I never even had my skin cut before.

Stecker wore a sling for six weeks and completed his rehabilitation with Physical Therapy at St. Luke’s. He worked with Alison Roll, PT, DPT, OCS.

“Herb was a great patient. He performed his home exercise program regularly and was motivated to get back to his functional activities,” says Roll. “From working closely with him, we were able to ensure a speedy and full recovery.”

After retiring from teaching in 2014, Stecker continues to be a happy gardener, managing his greenhouse with full use and function of his right arm and shoulder thanks to the extraordinary St. Luke’s orthopedic care.

“My operation was smooth, professional and well-orchestrated,” Stecker said. “I’m very happy with the results and the movement in my arm.

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