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St. Luke's Blood Management

Why Choose Blood Management?

At St. Luke's, we use a team approach to blood management. Our team of highly skilled physicians, nurses, technicians and support staff fully understands and supports this approach to treatment, which may result in:

  • A shorter hospital stay
  • Reduced blood loss
  • Improved outcomes
  • Increased satisfaction for you, our patient

The reduction of blood transfusions and/or blood components likewise reduces exposure to a variety of potential risks.

St. Luke's is committed to working closely with you to ensure that the care you receive reflects your choices and is compatible with your values. Call to learn more: 484-526-3964

How Does Blood Management Work?

St. Luke's Blood Management uses proven techniques and specialized equipment to reduce or eliminate the need for donated blood. These are some of the methods used in blood management:

Cell Saver System
A sophisticated system that carefully conserves and recirculates blood that might otherwise be lost during surgery.

Synthetic Erythropoietin
A hormone that stimulates bone marrow to increase production of red blood cells. This can be used before surgery to possibly eliminate the need for banking your own blood.

Limits internal bleeding by clotting the patient's blood during surgery.

Meticulous Surgical Techniques
During surgery, painstaking attention is paid to minimize blood loss at all times.

Platelet Sealant
Platelets, spun from your own blood, are mixed with a thrombin/calcium substance to make a gel or sealant that is applied to the surgical site. The platelet sealant reduces micro bleeding and swelling, decreases pain, stimulates tissue growth and enhances the healing process.

Volume Expanders
Enhances circulation of the patient's own blood through intravenous fluids, thereby reducing the amount of red blood cells lost during surgery.

Acute Normovolemic Hemodilution
A technique in which one to three units of your blood are taken and replaced with volume expanders. This is done prior to the start of your surgery. Your blood is then given back to you during or after surgery to replace any blood lost during the operation. Your blood never goes to the blood bank for storage.

Micro Sampling
Very small amounts of blood are taken for testing, rather than the larger quantities routinely drawn.

Pulse Oximeter
A non-invasive device that tracks blood oxygen levels during surgery. This helps to decrease the need for frequent arterial blood gases that require a blood draw.

Use of Additional Blood Cell Production Therapies
Restores iron levels and stimulates the production of red blood cells.

Will My Health Insurance Cover Blood Management Techniques?

Blood management medicine is an accepted form of health care. You should check with your health plan to make sure that services are covered.

How Can I Participate in the Blood Management Program?

Talk to your doctor. Discuss your preference with regard to accepting donated blood and/or blood components. By taking a proactive approach to your medical care, you and your doctor can determine appropriate blood conservation strategies.

We will assist you in identifying ways you can take an active role in your health care and educate you on all aspects of blood management. The center's goal is to provide state-of-the-art health care while respecting your individual choices regarding specific medical procedures.

Regarding the Treatment of Minors

State and federal law may impose limitations on the ability to withhold or withdraw blood transfusions or blood therapy from minors, particularly in life-threatening situations. If you are considering blood management care for a minor, please consult your physician before treatment.

Can My Condition Be Treated With Blood Management Techniques?

Blood management techniques to reduce or eliminate the need for donated blood and/or blood components can potentially be applied to all medical and surgical specialties offered at St. Luke's.